Monday, April 1, 2013

So Delicious Ice Cream Review!

SO. I LOVE the So Delicious ice cream in chocolate. Also, really like their yogurt but that is not what this post is about. The Ice cream is around 120cals for 1/4 of a cup which is one serving, i usually only eat half of that at a time.


The Texture is JUST LIKE regular ice cream. Super Creamy and smooth!
Taste: GREAT! If you Don't Like coconut, you might still like this. The coconut is not super overpowered but it is still noticeable, at least to me.

Weight : 108lbs - 109lbs.

New Goal is to be 100lbs by summer, was originally 110, but I already hit that :)

Anyway, I SUPER recommend this product! You can get this at Whole Foods, Fred Meyers, etc. 
P.S. like their fb page, also, if you email them your addy, they will send you a coupon booklet. Love this company, their products, and their customer service!

P.S. I also tried their sandwich bar at vegfest, was amazing.

Vegfest and the super awesome finds there and whats in my fridge post soon :)


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